Ceccotti Collezioni dressed in white for Ostuni Design Week-end

Ceccotti Collezioni will attend the first edition of Ostuni Design Week-end 2024, from 6th to 9th of June.

The theme of this edition is “singolarità dello spazio”, that means the peculiarities and characteristics of the places like Ostuni. An idea of beauty to be found inside the masserie and around in the white alleys, in which take place some installations of Ostuni Design Week-end.

Inside the Museo Diocesano Giulio Cappellini organized an exhibition called “50 shades of white”: a selection of products in a white color that for him rapresents contemporary design.

Ceccotti Collezioni will take part with Spine chair designed by Andrè Dubreuil, and still remains his most famous work displayed in many museums around the world .

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